Brad Bebee

Brad is the CEO of Blazegraph, leading efforts to deliver graphs at scale with Blazegraph technologies. An expert in graphs and large-scale analytics, his background includes software development, telecommunications, and information retrieval. He has implemented large scale analytics using Hadoop and Accumulo. He is leading the integration of Blazegraph’s GPU technologies for graph analytics into business and mission applications.
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Posts by Brad Bebee

Figure 1: Graph algorithms exhibit non-locality and data-dependent parallelism. Large graphs, such as this map of the internet, represent billion-edge challenges that push the bandwidth limits of existing hardware architectures.
Simulation / Modeling / Design

What to Do with All That Bandwidth? GPUs for Graph and Predictive Analytics

Did you see the White House’s recent initiative on Precision Medicine and how it is transforming the ways we can treat cancer? Have you avoided clicking on a... 14 MIN READ