Nick Payton

True to SigOpt’s mission, Nick believes marketing is a problem in need of constant optimization. He has spent his marketing career developing, launching, and growing enterprise SaaS solutions with a measurable customer impact in complex industries. Prior to SigOpt, Nick led partnerships for Benefitfocus to drive better health and wealth outcomes for employees. At Comprehend Systems, he led marketing for products designed to accelerate clinical trials that increased patient access to life-saving drugs. And at Opower, his product marketing efforts drove growth in cleantech products that resulted in over 1 terawatt-hour of annual energy savings. Nick holds a BA in Political Science and Economics from Boston College and spends his free time in the great outdoors.
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Posts by Nick Payton

Data Science

Optimizing End-to-End Memory Networks Using SigOpt and GPUs

Natural language systems have become the go-between for humans and AI-assisted digital services. Digital assistants, chatbots, and automated HR systems all rely... 18 MIN READ