Vinay Kolar

Vinay Kolar is a senior data scientist at NVIDIA working on building intelligent spatio-temporal analytic systems using video data. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from State University of New York at Binghamton in 2007, and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at RWTH-Aachen (Germany) and Carnegie Mellon University (Qatar).
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Posts by Vinay Kolar

Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Multi-Camera Large-Scale Intelligent Video Analytics with DeepStream SDK

The advent of the Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities has seen billions of video sensors deployed worldwide, generating massive amounts of data. Through... 16 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Using Calibration to Translate Video Data to the Real World

DeepStream SDK 3.0 is about seeing beyond pixels. DeepStream exists to make it easier for you to go from raw video data to metadata that can be analyzed for... 13 MIN READ